Feeling low


Advice you have sent in

If you're not feeling well or if you’re upset, here are a few things you can do:

  • Go tell an adult how you feel

  • Go tell someone you trust

  • Cry and let it all out

  • Listen to happy music

  • Watch TV or YT

  • Call a friend

It's okay. Everyone will feel sad at some point. Everything gets better at some point.

Don't hurt yourself, no matter how bad you feel.

It's okay to feel sad. Remember not everything in life will go your way. -J

As a long-term sufferer of clinical depression I have found baking to be one of the very few things that I can still continue to connect with - E

When you feel down, look up.

When I’m feeling really unhappy I try to practice some kind and compassionate self talk. Sometimes it helps to reassure myself that I am having a particularly bad day and I won’t always feel like this.

Showcase items


There is something deeply therapeutic about home baking. It is soothing and restorative.

Other resources

What’s Up?

Free app (with add on purchases). Uses CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy, to help you cope with depression, anxiety, stress and more.


Live a happier and healthier life with this app’s bitesize meditations. Great for stress and for sleeping difficulties. It also offers SOS exercises for distressing times.

Young Minds

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and in need of support, the Young Minds crisis messenger service provides free, 24/7 crisis support. Text YM to 85258 and someone will answer you.

Visit our external services page for information on organisations who might be able to help you further.