Share your work

We’re really happy you are thinking of contributing something to the site. We hope this can be a place where young people can support and inspire each other and their communities, amidst the challenges that life can throw at us. There are many ways to contribute:

Somebody might make mean comments about my work

Somebody might make mean comments about my work

That can’t happen. Every comment is moderated before it is published. You can also keep your work anonymous if you prefer

That can’t happen. Every comment is moderated before it is published. You can also keep your work anonymous if you prefer

Showcase – things you’ve made, whether that’s photos, music, film, baking, sculpture, art, textiles, stories/creative writing, graphics or anything else.

Help with – if you have had a particular experience, and you would like to share your coping strategies

Evidence of Victory – have you found a solution to a problem?

Experiences – tell us what it felt like to be on a Discovery College course

Recommendations – anything you’ve enjoyed that you want to tell people about

Joining a group – what are your top tips for overcoming fears about joining a new group?

Use the contact form or email us directly at

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