Managing winter


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  1. Daylight/natural light. It’s a known fact that there is more light emitted on the cloudiest of days than there is compared to artificial light. If it is sunny outside I like to turn my face to it, close my eyes and feel the distant warmth on my face. I know how difficult it can be to get outdoors when we are feeling low so why not just open your curtains, open the window and breathe in some fresh air for a couple of minutes.

  2. Perfecting your hot chocolate. Of course a hot chocolate is a winner all year round (no excuses!) however the winter season is an ideal time to perfect your hot chocolate making skills so it can be an easy go to when you’re needing a pick me up. Do you prefer it made with hot water or milk? What’s your take on whether there should be cream & marshmallows? Place a segment of Terry’s chocolate orange at the bottom of the mug for a tasty treat at the bottom of the drink (a spoon may be required to scoop up the melted chocolate)

  3. Get cosy. Blankets, hoodies, thick wooly socks and onesies (yes, at 27 I still wear my onesie) are all essential cosy items to get through the cold, damp winter season. Sometimes when I am feeling low I will place a blanket over myself and hide underneath for 10 minutes or so. It can be really grounding when the outside world is cold and feeling unmanageable.

  4. Layer up. Granted, there is nothing like throwing on shorts and a t-shirt in the summer and heading straight out the door. This process takes twice as long in the wintery months however it’s worth it. It sounds basic but by having the right sort of clothing in winter can make it easier to get outdoors. I love those crisp Winter days when the sun is shining and the air is still. Bundling myself up in thick, knitted scarves creates a safety bubble between myself and the outside world.

  5. Plants. I love to have a few different plants growing on the windowsill in my bedroom. Seeing that there is still life growing in these darker months can help to boost my mood. In the summer it’s easy to spot the flowers and other plants in full bloom but not so much in winter. Indoor plants can be inexpensive and easy to go. You could even decorate the flower pot should you wish to exercise your creativity

by Em (as someone still learning how to navigate it herself)

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